The pilot project
The first experimental step of the project ‘Schools beyond regions and borders – Active citizenship for tomorrow’s Europe (2021-2023)’ was carried out in 2019-2020 under the name ‘Schools Beyond Borders Project 2019-2020. Education for Active Citizenship for the Europe for Tomorrow. Trentino-Alto Adige/South Tyrol-Bavaria’.
The pilot project followed the same framework as the ongoing main project, with monthly video-conferences and related classroom activities. The umbrella theme for the first five trial lessons was the European Union. The participating schools were based in Italy (Liceo Scientifico ‘Leonardo Da Vinci’ in Trento and Fachoberschule für Tourismus und Biotechnologie ‘Marie Curie’ in Merano) and Germany (Gymnasium Sonthofen). The texts of the lectures were produced and shared by Marco Brunazzo, Associate Professor of Political Science at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento, and by Jens Woelk, Full Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento.
The Fondazione Bruno Kessler used the lecture texts to create a ‘Quaderno di Scuola’ journal, which is available for free download in English, German and Italian, and contains the original seminar texts, a series of interviews to students on the seminar topics, and a glossary of key terms.